It may sound strange, but not so many people were skiing and skitouring on Kamchatka, and even less shoot movies about that. We have found just few, worth seeing. Amateurs and professional cameramen, Kamchatka is waiting for you!

Dutch Powder Hounds | Kamchatka Advenure

Dutch Powder Hounds skitouring on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Our special thanks go out to our guides Grigory Mintsev and Ptor Spricenieks and the people of Kamchatka!

Filmed by our guests in April 2017.



Steep lines of Ganalsky Range

There are still such places in Kamchatka, like Ganalskie Vostryaki, a south part of Ganalskiy range, where very few people skied yet. One of the riders is our fellow guide Anna Khankevich.


Kamchatka: Skiing Under the Radar

What's it like to ski tour in Kamchatka? One morning I had a pack of wild dogs sneak up on me.


Kamchatka Timelapse

Scenery of Kamchatka